Tina Datta, who is currently living in the Bigg Boss 16 house, received heartbreaking news. In the most recent episode, Bigg Boss called Tina to the confession room and informs her that her pet Rani is no more.
Tina Datta bursts into tears and exits the confession room after knowing about it. Instead of leaving the house, she notifies Shalin Bhanot about it and tears down in front of him.
Tina Datta felt powerless because she couldn’t attend Rani’s death ritual while she was inside the Bigg Boss 16 house. Concerning Tina’s relationship with her pet dog, the actress got Rani, a crossbreed puppy, in 2010. Rani and her second pet Golden Retriever Bruno became her family while living alone in the city.
Rani was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. Tina prayed for Rani’s quick recovery before joining the Bigg Boss house. Unfortunately, Rani died due to her critical conditions and Tina kept weeping in the house.It is true that a dog is a man’s best friend, and dogs are animals that understand humans better than any other. As a result, Rani’s presence in Tina’s life affirmed it!