Starring the biggest names in the Indian film industry like Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Mouni Roy, and more, Brahmastra: Part One – Shiva came out in theatres on September 9, 2022. While the reviews for Ayan Mukherji’s movie were mixed, there’s no debating over the grand-scale efforts that went into its making, resulting in one of the most ambitious endeavors of the Hindi Cinema yet.
All those who’ve already watched the film in cinemas are well-acquainted with the goosebumps generated once the Shiva Theme played on the big screen. And now, the spectacular musical experience is out for others to behold as well.
This delivery was possible because of the stellar collaboration of Pritam’s music, Amitabh Bhattacharya’s Hindi lyrics, and Prasun Gupta’s Sanskrit shlokas, while Javed Ali belts out the sublime theme. An excerpt from the description of Shiva Theme claims it to be “an ode to the force” since “Shiva’s strength know(s) no bounds”.
The very same indomitable force is represented in the musical excellence, leaving the audience in jitters. Ranbir Kapoor’s character’s powers come to fruition to their full extent and this realization of his true potential is captured vividly in the visuals of the video as well as the musical tone and lyrics of the theme.