On Hrithik’s girlfriend Saba’s birthday, he shared a beautiful wish for her on social media. Hrithik’s Instagram post for her read,” The rhythm of you, the voice of you, the grace of you, the heart of you..and oh that insanely amazing mind of you..melody in motion girl, that’s what you are. Thank you for existing you quirky crazy nutty anomaly of a human being (sic)!”
On Thursday, Saba took to Instagram and dropped a reel of their adorable moments together. Fans are showering love for both of them in comment section.
Saba wrote,” I like my birthdays to be quiet. More often than not you’ll find me doing seemingly mundane things on the day, I don’t quite remember when I began doing this but now it seems like the norm. Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good party, so as long as i can get a day to do this first. For me my birthday is a microcosm of what I would want my days on earth to be like – a good day is one in which I spend some time learning something new, in which I move my body, take time to nourish my mind, good food always features heavily on such a day and of course spend time with those I love. Thank you Ro for beautifully putting together my strange fruit of a plan. And thank you all of you who reached out with love, kind words and flowers – my house looks like a garden in spring and my heart is full.”