In celebration of Stan Lee’s 100th birthday, Disney+ officially announced a documentary on his life as a tribute to his amazing work in the Marvel universe.
The documentary is named after him “Stan Lee” which will premiere on Disney+ in 2023.
“100 years of dreaming. 100 years of creating. 100 years of Stan Lee.
100 years of dreaming. 100 years of creating. 100 years of Stan Lee.
Stan Lee, an Original documentary, is streaming 2023 on @DisneyPlus.
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) December 28, 2022
Stan Lee is always known as the creator of marvel as he is the co-creator of legendry characters such as Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Black Panther, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Thor, Silver Surfer, Ant-Man, Nick Fury, The Avengers, and many more.
We have seen Stan Lee playing different characters as cameos in pages of marvel comics as well as on-screen with Marvel Studios. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, everyone has a favorite Stan cameo.
Stan Lee is 100 today! Even though the great creator passed away in 2018, his legacy continues to motivate us all.