The top names in the world’s fashion industry participated in the three-day Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) inaugural event in Mumbai, which featured some of the best fashion moments. The spectacular fashion exhibition’s second day Saturday, April 1 featured a red carpet appearance by Hollywood diva Zendaya, who had just arrived in India on Friday.
The diva was captured in the height of grace donning a stunning saree by Indian fashion designer Rahul Mishra. The dark blue shimmering drape’s embellishments were so brilliant they brought to mind a starry night.
The Dune actress has traditionally maintained a stylish, understated, and refined appearance. She went above and beyond with her desi style and made it sparkle by emulating the magical charm of the occasion and accessorizing it with a golden bejeweled blouse.
The Spider-Man actor’s glimmering makeup enhanced the sparkly accent.