How does Blood Compatibility WorkDonors with type O- blood are universal red cell donors whose donations can be given to people of all blood types. Donors with types AB- and AB+ blood are universal plasma donors, while patients with type AB+ are universal red cell recipients because they can receive red cells from all types. All other donors and recipients must be safely matched, for example:
If you are % of U.S.* You can give to You can receive from**
O+ 38% O+ A+ B+ AB+ O+
O- 7% O+ A+ B+ AB+
O- A- B- AB- O-
A+ 34% A+ AB+ O+ A+
O- A-
A- 6% A+ AB+
A- AB- O- A-
B+ 9% B+ AB+ O+ B+
O- B-
B- 2% B+ AB+
B- AB- O- B-
AB+ 3% AB+ O+ A+ B+ AB+
O- A- B- AB-
AB- 1% AB+
AB- O- A- B- AB-
*Percentages based on U.S. population
**Donation for red cell transfusion
Blood type compatibility.
— How Things Actually Work (@tech9icaIs) September 13, 2022