Sushant Singh Rajput’s untimely death stunned Bollywood and the whole country. Since then, his fans, friends, and family members have been posting tributes to the late actor on social media. We have obtained a vintage interview with Sushant in which he discusses his anxieties. It’s been more than two years since the actor passed away, and his admirers are still grieving. In a previous interview, the actor from ‘M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story’ disclosed his profound philosophical thoughts and even mentioned what he fears the most.
Sushant was asked in the interview what he fears the most in his life. While he stated that he had no worries, he did add that if something were to be feared, it would most likely be ‘death.’ “Probably death. Because three hours that I sleep, I don’t know who I am. So that ‘not know who you are’ is slightly scary, probably that happens when you die too,” he stated.
He went on to say that he is not in control of himself and has no idea who he is during his three hours of sleep. Uncertainty about his identity, he claims, is a little frightening. And, as it is likely to happen when people die, he is also afraid of it.
On a professional front, Sushant was last seen on the big screen in Nitesh Tiwari’s Chhichhore. He portrayed the father of a high school student who commits suicide after failing to pass an engineering admission exam. Prior to Chhichhore, Sushant starred opposite Anushka Sharma and Aamir Khan in the film PK. Sushant Singh Rajput, for the uninitiated, hung himself and passed away on June 14, 2020, in Mumbai.